Refers to the state of one's cognitive health and satisfaction in relation to their intellectual pursuits, curiosity and continuous learning

Intellectual wellness involves engaging in activities that stimulate the mind, acquiring knowledge, developing critical thinking skills and nurturing a lifelong passion for learning. Intellectual wellness is essential for personal growth, self-fulfillment and a broader understanding of the world. By nurturing intellectual wellness, individuals can enhance their cognitive abilities, expand their knowledge base and approach life with a curious and engaged mindset.
Questions to ask yourself:
  1. Am I regularly engaging in activities that challenge and stimulate my mind?
  2. Do I actively seek out opportunities for learning and acquiring new knowledge or skills?
  3. How do I handle and overcome intellectual challenges or obstacles in my life?
  4. Am I open to exploring diverse perspectives and ideas, even if they differ from my own?
  5. Do I feel intellectually fulfilled and satisfied with my current level of mental engagement and curiosity?
Math Lab

The Math Lab is a walk-in tutoring lab that provides free math tutoring for students enrolled in an undergraduate College of Science course (includes biology, chemistry, math and physics courses). Tutors answer specific questions, work with and offer alternative problems and help clarify concepts.

Writing Center

Get support in improving your writing through peer tutoring, interactive workshops, classroom support and consultation at the UNT Writing Center.

Fine Arts Series

The Mary Jo & V. Lane Rawlins Fine Arts Series curates visual, literary and performing arts events each season for the UNT and the greater Denton community.

Distinguished Lecture Series

The Distinguished Lecture Series brings noted speakers to campus to provide the UNT community with different perspectives and topics of thought. From business leaders and scientists to political figures and celebrities, each event is unique and designed to inform and entertain.

Research on Tap

Hosted by the Division of Research and Innovation, you can learn about current hot topics and research trends through Research on Tap.

UNT Libraries

UNT Libraries offer access to more than six million print and digital items along with innovative programs and support services and expert personnel to assist patrons in achieving their academic and scholarly goals.

The Spark

The UNT Libraries’ makerspace, The Spark, promotes the cooperative and creative use of technology. At The Spark, the UNT community can access equipment, software and training that promotes innovative, cross-disciplinary learning.

Office of Disability Access

The Office of Disability Access serves as the central campus resource for the university community in regards to students with disabilities and accommodations to remove barriers to access.